Sleepless in COVID

I remember very clearly the decision to lock down our country in an effort to protect us from the spread of COVID. It happened the same day we were scheduled to launch a bold social media initiative to highlight veterans suicide and raise money for our American Legion clients to identify and assist at-risk Veterans.

Like so many of you, we had to react quickly. The easiest thing would have been to continue with our campaign, send out invoices, and throw our hands up and say “COVID did it.”

We didn’t. We pulled the plug on that initiative and the one that was already in production. We knew that donors weren’t going to be able to focus on our campaigns during that dizzying time. Instead, we met and tried to build a path forward with literally no historical precedent to guide us.

It would be a hit to our bottom line but that wasn’t our priority… our clients were.

Mike, Leah and I worked quickly to edit the plan. Being nimble and responsive is something we take a great deal of pride in. But, being so close to our clients and their success led to some sleepless nights. Did we make the right choices? Was our plan the right one?

Finally, our results started coming in. The campaign crushed it.

For me, each work day ends the same way. I look at the results that came in for our clients and evaluate the current campaign’s performance.

We live and breathe for our clients and their success. Fortunately, we had an incredible year considering the challenges. But, every now and then, there are still nights I’m Sleepless in COVID.


One last holiday gift