One last holiday gift

As I’ve shared before, each afternoon or evening, I spend a few minutes looking at the results that are coming in for our clients. I had lost track of it in the mail, but I had seen that one of our clients was sending back a 20 pound box of responses from our last campaign for the calendar year.

Waiting for these batches to come back can be torcher. Prior to yesterday, one of our clients, The American Legion Department of Minnesota had a big goose egg on the response report. Needless to say, that always makes me nervous.

After a little bit of wrapping gifts and prepping for hosting Christmas dinner for the family, I checked my email one more time. And there it was. The message telling me the client file for the day had been posted.

I refreshed the data and a big red box appeared for Minnesota. They had moved from zero response to 11.2% in donations.

With a huge sigh of relief and a big smile on my face, I could enjoy the last update I would get before the holiday.

Merry Christmas to all of our clients that trust us with their idea… we are grateful for your confidence in us.


MOVING FROM 3% to 11% Feels so good


Sleepless in COVID